Big Government

3049 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard #139 - flooding in UK & India NOTHING to do with global warming, the fake religion

There are floods in the UK and there have been big floods in India. The evil combine of Big Government, big business, the useful idiots of the liberal press, academics on the payroll and the usual global warming nutters clutch at this straw as proof of their bogus religion. The facts, as ever, do not support their cause. 


3441 days ago

So what did I get the ex GF for her wedding present?

I have promised her a paperback cop, but for now as she honeymoons in Sri Lanka, she has a Kindle version of “Life after the State” by my friend Dominic Frisby. You see the ex-GF is marrying a chap (the a’hole) from Euroland. And as such although she is innately conservative if not libertarian there is a danger that her mind will be contaminated by big Government nonsense and money tree worshipping. I cannot let that happen. I doubt that she will be reading Ayn Rand to her children but Dominic is a good start.

Big Government makes its folks less healthy, less wealthy and less happy. There is an alternative as Dominic explains in this wonderfully entertaining book. I would recommend it to all.
